Some of the key features of OFM include the following:
Fast and
Accurate Inventory Accounting: OFM
eliminates many of the tedious aspects of inventory control. The
forms in the journal are designated to look like those in
traditional paper documents to make the transition to OFM
as easy as possible. To complete these forms the user need only
enter raw dip measurements, pump readings and fuel receipt data.
Figure 1f. on the right displays easiness of using OFM's
Daily Inventory Form.
Fully Automated Calculations :
OFM automatically checks these data as they are entered
to help identify typographical errors and other common mistakes
so they can easily be corrected at that time. As well, OFM will
highlight any warning conditions that occur (for example, high
water levels) and provide appropriate instructions for the
operator as
shown in Figure 2f.. In addition, OFM
performs all the dip reading conversions and calculations needed
to do daily, monthly and annual inventory reconciliations.
Accurate Dip Charts: OFM has built-in-library of dip
charts for all the common makes and models of underground
storage tanks used in Canada. This simplifies initial setup
requirements for the program and helps to ensure that the proper
charts are always being used.
The dip charts in OFM's library are developed based on
the design dimensions and shape (or geometry) of the tanks, as
reported by the manufacturer, and they use rigorous calculation
algorithms. In many cases, these charts are actually more
accurate then those published by manufacturer due to simplifying
approximations they often make in these calculations (click
here to see example shown in Figure 3f).
If the tank model is not present in OFM's library the
user may enter the tank geometry and dimensions, and OFM will
use its volume-calculations algorithms to develop the dip chart.
If some of this information is unknown, a calibration service is
provided with OFM to backcalculate the missing parameters using
historical inventory data (click
here to see example shown in Figure 4f).
Temperature Compensation: OFM allows the user to indicate
under the location setup whether temperature compensating
dispenser meters are used, then it automatically makes the
necessary adjustment to the data entry forms, online help system, and reconciliation procedures
in figure 5f.).
Graphical Output: OFM provides presentation-quality
graphs that show monthly and annual trends in cumulative
reconciliations errors. (click
here to see example shown in Figure 6f.).
Clear and concise reports: The completed reconciliation
reports may be viewed on the computer's monitor and copies of
the reports may be printed at the press of a button (click
here to see Monthly Summary Report displayed in Figure 7f.).
Comprehensive Context-Sensitive Online Help System: In
addition to built in standard help menu OFM provides so
called context-sensitive help system. Context-sensitive help
means that the Help window displays content specific to the
context in which the help was requested. If the user clicks the
F1 button in the Password dialog box, for example, then the Help
window displays help about password maintenance policy (and also
displays the rest of the table of contents in case the user
wants more general information -
example in Figure 8f.).